Outcome: The strength of concrete cubes with fibre does not show much improvement up to 28 days but surprisingly strength become double in 50 days testing.
Description: With the advancement of science and technology and good supply of timber, new methods are needed for the processing of bamboo to make it more durable and more usable in terms of building materials. Concrete is an extensively used construction material for its various advantages such as low cost, availability, fire resistance etc. But it cannot be used alone everywhere because of its low tensile strength. So, generally steel is used to reinforce the concrete. But considering high cost of steel, bamboo is one of the suitable replacements of reinforcing bar in concrete for low cost constructions. Bamboo is natural, cheap, widely available and most importantly strong in both tension and compression. To see the effect of bamboo fibre on compressive strength, bamboo reinforced concrete cubes have been tested. On comparing the results with plain concrete cubes, strength becomes double in 50 days testing.